Endless enjoyment at our bar

Are you looking for a nice place in the vibrant heart of Tilburg where you can enjoy yourself endlessly? Then visit Mercure Hotel Tilburg Centrum. Besides a delicious overnight stay, you are welcome to join us for a tasty drink and a good glass of wine. Enjoy the friendly atmosphere in our bar with your partner, family or friends and have the time of your life.  

You are welcome in our bar

From December 24 you are most welcome in our renewed bar. Whether you want to have lunch, dinner or a drink: we are happy to welcome you! Pick a spot in our bar, take a look at our menu and choose the most delicious dishes. From a cup of coffee with a friandise to a delicious sandwich for lunch and a sumptuous drinks board: you can come to our bar at any time of the day. Even pair our dinner dishes with a glow glass or bottle of wine for a perfect evening!     

Would you like to come and taste the good life? Then quickly invite your family or friends for an evening of enjoyment! Reservations can be made through the reservation block!

Check out our menu

Our High Tea in a new look 

Do you want an afternoon of endless enjoyment and unlimited top quality tea? Then come and enjoy High Tea at Mercure Hotel Tilburg Centrum from the end of January. When you come to our High Tea you can expect an afternoon of pure indulgence. We serve the most delicious teas in combination with delicious snacks. From sweet to savory snacks: it is guaranteed to be a feast. Invite your friend, sister or mother and come in January to have a nice chat in warm surroundings, right in the heart of Tilburg. Keep an eye on our social media for more information about our High Tea!  

Make a reservation now

In the reservation block below, choose afternoon or evening, enter the number of people you want to come, choose the date and time you want, and then enter your information.

Mercure Hotel Tilburg Centrum

Contact information

Mercure Hotel Tilburg Centrum
Heuvel 37
5038 CP Tilburg
Tel +31135354675



Het grootste evenement van Tilburg staat weer voor de deur, namelijk de Tilburgse Kermis!

Van vrijdag 19 juli 2024 tot en met zondag 28 juli 2024 vindt de Kermis plaats. Parkeergarage Heuvelpoort is, ondanks de kermisattracties in de stad, gewoon bereikbaar.

Volg de gele omleidingsborden ‘M’ om Parkeergarage Heuvelpoort via de Jan Aartsestraat eenvoudig met de auto te bereiken. Op de drukke momenten zal er ook een verkeersregelaar aanwezig zijn om het verkeer in goede banen te leiden. Houd met bovenstaande rekening en ook met eventuele reistijd wanneer u een bezoek brengt aan Parkeergarage Heuvelpoort.

Let op! Deze omleiding is geldig vanaf dinsdag 16 juli 2024 12:00 uur tot en met woensdag 31 juli 2024 12:00 uur.


Tilburg’s biggest event is coming up again, the Tilburgse Kermis!

From Friday, July 19, 2024 to Sunday, July 28, 2024, the Kermis will take place. Parking garage Heuvelpoort is, despite the fairground attractions in the city, still accessible.

Follow the yellow detour signs ‘M’ to easily reach Heuvelpoort Parking Garage by car via Jan Aartsestraat. A traffic controller will also be present at busy times to direct traffic. Please take the above into account as well as any travel time when visiting Heuvelpoort Parking Garage.

Notice! This detour is valid from Tuesday, July 16, 2024 12:00 a.m. to Wednesday, July 31, 2024 12:00 a.m.


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